Hodl bitcointalk
Dec 19, 2018 · What does HODL mean. HODL is an acronym. It means to hold on for dear life. This term originates from a typo, made by crypto enthusiasts, in a Bitcointalk forum post, and it just kind of stuck. It refers to being able to hold through the ups and downs of the cryptocurrency market no matter how violently the price swings.
Slightly Feb 8, 2021 When Satoshi finally logged off of bitcointalk.org on December 12, The so- called HODLers (from “hold”, or “hodl” – “hold on for dear life”) are Older members already know it came from a viral bitcointalk thread from 2013 when bitcoin was crashing. The thread is still funny and some great advice for all Apr 15, 2018 Here is the original post by GameKyuubi on a Bitcoin Talk forum (spelling errors and profanity included):. I AM HODLING. I type d that tyitle Feb 12, 2021 [ATNET Crypto Trading Glossary] HODL (HODLing) “hold” that comes from a now legendary bitcointalk.org post made in 2013 by a drunk OP. Origin of Hodl. The term originated from a drunken post in the Bitcoin Talk forum during December 2013, from the member known as GameKyuubi with the May 22, 2019 HODL, Patiently: On Vice and Virtue in the World of Bitcoin # user called GameKyuubi published a post on the Bitcoin Talk online forum titled Dec 18, 2020 HODL. The legendary misspelling was invented by Bitcoin Talk member GameKyuubi who casually decided to drunk post on the bitcointalk.org Dec 6, 2018 It's a misspelling of the word "hold," originating from a post on the Bitcoin Talk forum in 2013, that has since taken a very specific meaning: holding Apr 4, 2019 That being said, many folks who have made money investing in Bitcoin talk about “hodling”.
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The reason why “hodl” looks like an unfortunate typo of “hold” is because it really is a typo. It comes from a drunken post made on a BitcoinTalk Forum thread, on December 18th, 2013, where a user under the name ‘GameKyuubi’ misspelled his rather angry outcry, expressing his determination to hold onto his bitcoins in a period when the crypto market In short, "hodl" is simply a mispelling of "hold". The term originates from a 2013 post in the Bitcointalk forum, in which user GameKyuubi announced that he was "hodling" his position in Bitcoin. The term “HODL” isn’t exclusive to WallStreetBets.
Hodl: The Term Born Out of a Typo Hodl is probably the most unique and certainly one of the most popular terms in the space. The origin of the term was completely accidental, which makes it even more special. A Bitcointalk user that goes by the name GameKyuubi had a tough day and decided to share his experience with the community.
HODL refers to an investment strategy wherein investors muster up the determination to not sell their coins, despite a plunge in the market. Dec 30, 2020 · Bitcoin’s anonymous creator Satoshi Nakamoto’s last activity on the Bitcointalk forum was on December 12th, 2010. According to Blockchain data firm Glassnode, about 94% of the Bitcoin that are currently dormant were mined over 10 years ago.
Sep 19, 2019 · Why “HODL”? HODL is a misspelled word “hold”. It has become a crypto meme after appearing at the post, published on the Bitcointalk Forum on December 2013.Now it is a common term for buy
Re: [BOUNTY] ⚫⚫⚫ ETH, USDC, TKP, KCH [KEEP CALM and HODL] ⚫⚫⚫ by Pon22 (Bounties (Altcoins)) Today at 03:15:49 PM: Re: Sleeping by Tarek26 : Today at 03:15:41 PM: Re: China Controls Bitcoin's Future by Kelvinid (Bitcoin Discussion) Today at 03:15:20 PM: Re: Türkiye'de En Çok Para Kazandıran Meslekler by meser# (Konu Dışı) There are plenty of new people here and some of you may be wondering why everyone keeps saying hodl instead of hold. It originated with this post on the bitcointalk forum in 2013. Imgur. HODL has been part of this community longer than most of us have been here! HODL is a popular term amongst crypto investors. And though it may appear like just a misspelling, it’s actually an investment strategy used by many.
The HODL price is down 0.00% in the last 24 hours.
Get the latest HOdlcoin price, HODL market cap, trading pairs, charts and data today from the world’s number one cryptocurrency price-tracking website Dec 18, 2020 · This day marks the seven-year anniversary of the HODL meme that remains an integral part of the Bitcoin culture. The legendary misspelling was invented by Bitcoin Talk member GameKyuubi who casually decided to drunk post on the bitcointalk.org forum on Dec. 18, 2013. Dec 19, 2020 · Not without first becoming an immediate meme, from the responses to the conversation on the Bitcointalk forum. Immediately, hundreds of responses began to arrive to the publication, with memes comparing the “hodl” with the resistance of the spartans in the movie “300”, or as a “teaching” of the legendary action actor Chuck Norris “HODL” is a term that’s thrown around a lot in the cryptocurrency community.
A person who does this is origin of hodl known as a otc brokers list Hodler. It originated with this post on the bitcointalk forum in 2013. [1] [2] A good way to think about it, and a way people have thought about trading binomo adalah it since shortly after the original post was created, is as “Hold On for. Nov 12, 2020 · The term ‘HODL’ took its foundation in a popular bitcoin forum, Bitcointalk, where the user GameKyuubi went on a drunken rant defending his trading prowess and genius. GameKyuubi’s whiskey took the best of him as he talked about how people disparagingly called him a ‘bad trader’ for being adamant about not selling during an ongoing Jul 12, 2017 · An "on purpose, kinda" misspelling of "hold" - first coined in the altcoin sphere in 2013 & later said to imply "Hold On for Dear Life". It reinforces the financial concept that you don't sell in a Bear Market. HODLはビットコイントーク(BitcoinTalk)からうまれた? HODL という英単語が「~を売らずにもっておく」という意味をもつと聞けば、察しのいい人はもうわかるかもしれません。そう、 HODL は HOLD から生まれた言葉で、その起源はタイプミスです。 HODL: Changing the Way we See Bitcoin and the Way we Talk!
Nowadays, the message that GameKyuubi was trying to deliver should be implied every time someone says or writes “hodl,” but this is not necessarily the case. Get the latest HOdlcoin price, HODL market cap, trading pairs, charts and data today from the world’s number one cryptocurrency price-tracking website Dec 18, 2020 · This day marks the seven-year anniversary of the HODL meme that remains an integral part of the Bitcoin culture. The legendary misspelling was invented by Bitcoin Talk member GameKyuubi who casually decided to drunk post on the bitcointalk.org forum on Dec. 18, 2013. Dec 19, 2020 · Not without first becoming an immediate meme, from the responses to the conversation on the Bitcointalk forum. Immediately, hundreds of responses began to arrive to the publication, with memes comparing the “hodl” with the resistance of the spartans in the movie “300”, or as a “teaching” of the legendary action actor Chuck Norris “HODL” is a term that’s thrown around a lot in the cryptocurrency community. Since it’s used so often, it has become the slang term new investors usually learn first. HODL refers to an investment strategy wherein investors muster up the determination to not sell their coins, despite a plunge in the market.
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Get the latest HOdlcoin price, HODL market cap, trading pairs, charts and data today from the world’s number one cryptocurrency price-tracking website
Imgur. HODL has been part of this community longer than most of us have been here! HODL is a popular term amongst crypto investors. And though it may appear like just a misspelling, it’s actually an investment strategy used by many. Let’s look into what the strategy is and why The initiator of the theory on Bitcointalk argues that the statistical imbalance is deliberate. “What we are doing is to inform people what we’ve discovered and that it was not a random mining.” It is estimated that Satoshi Nakamoto could have mined between 750,000 to 1,000,000 BTC. Many seem to believe that hodl is an acronym – H.O.D.L – which spells out “hold on for dear life.” This and other theories behind the term hodl and its meaning are wrong.