Hcash reddit


HShare (HSR) is a pre-launch token that will soon be traded in for HCash in a ratio of 1:1. It is this HCash that will be the main token that will enable value and information transfer between and among blockchains as well as with blockless cryptocurrencies.

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Applications of Hshare. Ultra Cryptocurrency – Hshare is the bridge between blockchain and block-less cryptos and Hcash will use this system to enable voting, hence creating a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) that will govern Hcash. Voting power will depend on the stake of the users. Founder and History. Hcash has started its operation in Q3 of 2017 and is based out of Melbourne, Australia. Its CEO is Dallas Brooks and CTO is Khal Achkar. Jan 04, 2018 · Hcash provides the clearest picture of how technological integration has brought change into the Crypto industry.

Hshare and Hcash are hybrid crypto-currencies based on both blockchain and DAG technology. They have It should be known that the Hshare (or Hcash) is limited to 84 million units distributed as follows: youtube reddit medium linked

Hcash reddit

Make a post or message a tutor to get started. Discord link is in the readme. Sep 11, 2017 · r/Cash4Cash: A community for trading various currencies/payment services.

Hcash reddit

Another issue is the Hcash Github page. It’s good when developers transparently open their code to the community. However, Hcash’s Github page has seen very few commits from a single contributor over the past few months. Hshare vs Hcash. Hshare is a pre-launch value token with a 1:1 trade-in for Hcash when it launches.

Reddit. Cryptocurrency Blockchain Twitter Hshare (HCash) is being developed to send both value (money) and data  Hshare is an IOU-like coin which will be exchanged for Hcash on an 1:1 ratio when Hcash launches. Hcash is designed to allow value and data transfer  But all may not be lost with the Melbourne start-up Hcash working on creating protection against quantum hacking by connecting the traditional blockchain with a  Jun 11, 2020 CEO of HyperTech Group Jayden Wei as well as HCASH CEO Adam rally in the U.S., such as users of the Reddit forum WallStreetBets. The following is a weekly progress report from the HCASH development team. This repo Reddit. Greetings Hcash!

Hcash is designed to allow value and data transfer between blockchains by creating sidechains. This includes transfer of public to private blockchain and blockchain to DAG (Directed Acyclic Graph, like IOTA for example). Hshare (HSR) price based on hundreds of cryptocurrency exchanges.

They are primarily targeting Chinese investors, but I figure this post could at least help stop English speakers for falling for it. It is very difficult to get any detailed info or response from Hcash. Yet people are either buying it in mass or the volume is faked. Nov 27, 2017 Edit: I did eventually get an invite to their slack weeks later. Sold to /u/enesup. This is my first time on here so I hope I'm doing everything correctly.

One Reddit thread called Hcash a scam coin. You don’t have to look far online to find other people calling Hcash a scam. Some believe that its developers never intend to create the platform. HyperCash (HC), formerly known as Hcash, was designed to facilitate value transfers across different blockchains. It supports zero-hash proofs, DAO governance, and quantum resistance. HyperCash offers two types of wallets: white and black. White addresses are publicly viewable, while black addresses will remain private.

Hcash reddit

If you spend a lot of time online, chances are you’ve heard of Reddit. The site bi Reddit can be intimidating for new users. Check out our helpful guide to get started. Reddit is a social media website where people gather links and share them with each other. Those links can be pictures, articles, or videos (really anythi For those wondering whether Reddit was, as those in the know like to say, "all that" when it comes to Internet traffic, a new dump of site stats reveals the answer. In short: Yes. Yes, it really is.

Hshare vs Hcash. Hshare is a pre-launch value token with a 1:1 trade-in for Hcash when it launches.

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Jan 28, 2021 · Reddit; About Hshare. Hshare or Hcash is a decentralized and open-source cryptocurrency based on blockchain platform. It allows users to make exchanges between

HyperCash (HC) is a cryptocurrency, launched in August 2017.